The basic concepts of information technology are:

  • Information.
  • Information processes.
  • Technology.
  • Information resources.
  • Information system.

Information – information, data. Information in the understanding of the computer, a sequence of characters, carrying meaning, and presented in a form understandable to the computer.

Information processes – actions performed with information:

  • Gathering.
  • Receiving.
  • Storing.
  • Processing.
  • Transmission

Technology – comes from the Latin (techne): art, skill, mastery. Technology, is a specific set of actions aimed at achieving a goal.

Information technology – a set of software, technical, documentary means for carrying out information processes.

Information system is an ordered set of documented information that meets certain principles (reliability, accuracy, structured). A typical example of an information system is a database. Also an information system includes: local networks, databases, global networks, etc.

Information resource is a set of data organized to effectively obtain reliable information. A typical example of an information resource is a website.

Classification of information.
Any classification is always relative. The same object can be classified by different attributes or criteria. Often there are situations where, depending on environmental conditions, an object can be assigned to different classification groupings. This reasoning is especially relevant when classifying types of information because it can often be used in different environments, by different consumers, for different purposes.

Information can be classified according to several attributes. According to the method of receiving and transmitting information is classified into: visual (visual), auditory (sound), tactile (felt), organoleptic (taste). According to the method of presentation and processing, information is classified into: analog (conventional telephone line) and discrete (digital). According to the technology of processing information in a computer can be classified into: symbolic, numeric, multimedia and graphical